My Philosophy 

  • Celebrate life every chance you get
  • Cherish your family, love ones and friends
  •  You can never have too many memories or photographs of the art that exists in your life every day
  • Take the time to say Yay me! and celebrate your own awesomeness
  • Never forget to give to others.  You’ll find that you get much more than you give.
  • Life is full of celebrations both big and small.  Everyone has their own story to tell.  Children grow and change, family members leave us, families and friends grow and spread out making it harder and harder to get everyone together for those treasured moments. 

My mission is to fill the world of the fun-loving, easy-going, uncommon-seeking with art that shows your personality and style while telling your unique story.

Let's discuss how we can create the photographs you are looking for.  Contact me for more information.